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Where we take everyone to space

A satellite rotator that designed to track and monitor the satellites

The GUI has 2 main modes. A manual mode that a user can use to manually track a celestial body using a mouse on the system. This provides a solid flexibility for search and observation of the sky. The second mode is the automatic mode. This mode allows the user to set the rotator to track a satellite whenever the satellite comes into range. This can be used to automatically transmit or receive information from satellite when it rises and before setting. This uses a kernel interrupt so as not to monopolize CPU resources. This provides users with the ability to search and predict which and when satellites are coming over their location anywhere on earth.
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Main component

This show the list of the main component that was required could be found here [Components](https://github.com/Ahmad138/SatRot/wiki/Electronics-Components)


Software requirements

- Linux environment - Qt5 - GNURadio - Using C++14 - g++


Mechanical requirements

- 3D model - 2 Motors

Taking everyone into space


About image
SatRot is a very cheap, modular and smart satellite rotator. It has the ability to automatically and manually control a load device such as an antenna for satellite communications, solar panel to track sun, telescope to observe patch of the night sky and others. The construction materials are so cheap and easy to build that high school students can DIY build the system.